5 Ways to Strategically Increase User Engagement

5 Ways to Strategically Increase User Engagement
5 Ways to Strategically Increase User Engagement
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . Consulting . user engagment . user experience . ux .

How can we engage our users and interest them in our website?….it’s a great question!

When launching a new website, we are commonly asked this question.  In order to answer the question effectively, you must first determine how your organization defines user engagement. Does engagement mean, comments on your blog posts, or interactions in community? Defining the goals of engagement is part of the engagement strategy.

As Andrea Pellegrino, of Demand Perspective Blog reminds us,  “It’s All Engagement…every customer service inquiry, complaint, voice mail, email or other message. Every website visit, page click, email open and click-through…is engagement. Every online search that turns up your association or one of its products or services or initiatives…is engagement. Every forum where the issues that concern your members and industry are discussed (even if they are not yours) is engagement.”

In our fast paced digital world, it is imperative that your site provides an excellent user experience if you want to increase engagement. Here are 5 ways to improve user engagement:

1. Keep Content Fresh – if you want users to return to your site often, keep your content fresh! Make sure your homepage has the latest information, upcoming event and recent blog posts front and center

2. Consider Video Blogging- video blogs are a great way to make your company’s digital presence more personal. Keeping your video blogs short and sweet, about 60 seconds, will ensure your user does not lose focus on the information you are sharing through your blog.

3. Be Controversial- if your site has a discussion forum, don’t hesitate to ask controversial questions that relate to your users background. Users will undoubtedly share their opinions on a controversial topic. Post a “hot” topic each week to keep the conversation lively.

4. Include Images- if we take a look at Instagram as a case study, statistics prove that engagement on Instagram trumps engagement on Twitter. Why is that? We all know the old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”, and it’s true. Images can provoke emotion and inspire action…keep this in mind when selecting images for your site.

5. Recognize Members- your organization would not exists without the support of members. Create an area on your site to give recognition to your members, post their photo, and give them that special attention they deserve.

source: https://econsultancy.com/blog/65939-20-instagram-stats-marketers-need-to-know/



Allison provides training and quality assurance at System Solutions Inc. She has been with the company since 2012. In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities including running, cycling and hiking.