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Leveraging the Abilities of Millennials in the workplace
  • Allison England
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  • Association . Association content delivery . CMS . Education as a service . Marketing to millennial . millennials . My time - My way . Next gen content delivery .

Millennials are often depicted as a generation that communicates exclusively through electronic devices and is incapable of face to face communication. This stereotype follows millennials into the workplace and is sometimes frowned upon by Gen Xers and Baby Boomers in the office.  Millennials now occupy over one-third of the US workforce, a percentage that will continue to increase as the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement.  Understanding the mindset and goals of millennials is one of the best ways to leverage…

Introducing Our Latest Launch: Bal Seal Engineering Inc.
  • Allison England
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Launching a website is like watching your child drive off to college, a pinch of pride and a twinge of sadness. In the web development process, we get intimately entwined with the site we are building. When it comes time to launch, we cut the proverbial cord and make our work public for the world to see. Bal Seal Engineering has been a client of ours for almost a decade. When they decided it was time to update the design…

5 Ways to Strategically Increase User Engagement
  • Allison England
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  • CMS . Consulting . user engagment . user experience . ux .

How can we engage our users and interest them in our website?'s a great question! When launching a new website, we are commonly asked this question.  In order to answer the question effectively, you must first determine how your organization defines user engagement. Does engagement mean, comments on your blog posts, or interactions in community? Defining the goals of engagement is part of the engagement strategy. As Andrea Pellegrino, of Demand Perspective Blog reminds us,  “It’s All Engagement…every customer service inquiry, complaint,…