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7 Common Mistakes in Managing CMS Projects
  • Allison England
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  • CMS . Project Management .

When the time comes to contemplate a new CMS (Content Management System) for your organization there are many considerations to be mindful of. All too often, CMS projects are delayed and complicated by simple mistakes. In this post, we discuss seven common mistakes in managing CMS projects. 1. Hurrying through the Design Phase We've all heard the expression, don't judge a book by its cover. This noble expression contains many truths, however, when embarking on a CMS project it is…

Earth Friendly Practices at the Office
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • Random .

It's Earth Day! Today, we appreciate our beautiful planet and reflect on ways to become more Earth-friendly.  Earth Day began as a grassroots movement in 1970, and was intended to bring awareness to pollution, toxic dumps, pesticides and deforestation. Earth Day is now celebrated worldwide, and, according to Alina Bradford, a contributor at, it is estimated that over 200 million people in 141 countries celebrate Earth day each year. Introducing Earth friendly practices  in the workplace can be accomplished with…

Six Ways to Make Meetings More Interesting…
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • Tips and Tricks .

We've all been there, sitting in a meeting with no end in sight. Keeping your meeting attendees focused and engaged with the agenda can be challenging, so we've compiled a quick list to liven up your standard meeting protocol... 1. Take a Walk- if the weather permits, take your meeting outside and enjoy some fresh air. Networking giant LinkedIn is known for utilizing the walk and talk approach according to this article in The Huffington Post . 2. Avoid Monday Morning Meetings-…