Author Archive

We are proud to announce the launch of the new American Scientist website!
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • American Scientist . CMS . Launch . website .

A design that is as functional as it is beautiful, the new website for the magazine American Scientist has just gone live!  We used all our expertise to craft a wonderful user experience for both readers of the magazine and content creators alike. With a fully mobile friendly design, you can read your favorite scientific articles on the go, anytime, anywhere!

Is it time for your association to start a YouTube channel?
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . millennial . video . Youtube .

We've talked before about the potential benefits of starting a weekly or monthly podcast, but we haven't really talked in-depth about video.  And that's because producing video content can be difficult.  It requires a whole new skill set from just writing content, or even producing a timely podcast.  Some associations already do post videos of key-note speakers from their events, but producing regular content just doesn't seem tenable.  And even if you do manage to higher a staffer who produces…

Pay to win
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • CIO applications . pay to win . scam .

There's nothing wrong with good ol' honest advertisement.  It's how you get noticed.  But buyer beware: if you're being told that you've been "selected" to be in the top 25 ranked technology providers... for a nominal fee (between $1,000-3,000), then turn and run the other way. You might recive an email like this, that starts off flattering: Greetings! I am [Scam-McScamface] from CIO Applications; a business enterprise IT magazine published from the Silicon Valley. We are presenting the “Top 25 BPM…