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How to effectively communicate what you need
  • Cody Hobbs
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Effective communication can be hard, especially if you're having trouble articulating precisely what it is you need, in an area that is outside of your field of expertise.  Technology, like many specialized fields, has its own jargon, as well as its own sets of rules that may not be immediately intuitive.  So when you start planing for that redesign, the pressure can feel immense.  Because of this, many organizations feel like they need to know exactly what they want before…

What CMS providers need to learn
  • Cody Hobbs
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Last week, we talked about some of the reasons why CMS's can feel like such a headache.  This week, I'd like to start going in-depth about about each of the 5 reasons I listed, and what a better place to start than with the CMS provider themselves. First, I think an important distinction needs to be made between the CMS provider, and the "core" that they use.  Generally speaking, CMS providers don't build their CMS from the ground up, they…

Why CMS’ Suck
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • CMS . content creator . Content Management System . CX . ux .

Disappointment.  When something fails to deliver on its promises, it creates a feeling of disappointment that can lead to a distrust of an entire market.  For a long time now, the CMS platform has lived in this cycle.  Every couple of years, new promises are made, new features announced, and for a little while, it really looks like the whole game is about to change.  But then something happens.  People get their hands on it, and find their experience is…