Author Archive

5 Tricks to Treat Your Members with Microsites
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association Strategy . Content Management System . Microsites .

Maybe you’ve heard about microsites, noticed they exist, but weren't sure they were worth the investment. Especially with the rise in technology, these microsites are becoming more and more important for associations to implement. A study ran by marketingsherpa showed that 38% of microsites were very effective with reaching marketing initiatives and 54% were somewhat effective. But before we get carried away more data, in case you are not familiar, let's discuss what a microsite is and how it works.…

One weird trick for your association to increase member engagement
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association Strategy . Gamification . Member Engagement .

You've worked hard on building the infrastructure of your association.  If you've been around for a while, then chances are you've seen it change, perhaps in ways that render it nearly unrecognizable.  Sure, the message is the same, but what was once accomplished with physical meeting places and paper copies of magazines is now handled online. All of your content, as well as your community area, is now accessible any time of the day from just about anywhere in the…

But we thought we were doing fine!
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Associations . strategic partner . Tech Guides .

You've taken all the right steps.  You did your research, crafted your online presence, made sure you're mobile ready, and it looks like it's paying off.  Your member retention rates are high.  New members are being attracted to your organization.  But yet... There's a nagging feeling nibbling at the nape of your neck that something isn't right.  How can that be when you've done everything right?  The digital frontier is unlike any market place we've ever seen.  When you were…