The bane of modern technology: you purchase the newest tech item, say a smart phone or tablet, only to find it's outdated before you've had time to give it its first charge. And it looks darn good, too! Your website is no different. You spend months looking for the right company to build your website, finding all latest bells and whistles you want to include, spend another few months in the building phase, and by the time the site launches,…
This year, SSI attended the 2015 Executive Exchange held in Charleston, South Carolina. We had a wonderful opportunity to meet with several associations, and present our plan for guiding associations through the technology terrain. It is our core value that we work with associations, in a strategic partnership, to guide them through any technology issues they may face. We do not believe in a"set it and forget it" approach. Technology can seem intimidating; it is our mission to make that…
Millennials are often depicted as a generation that communicates exclusively through electronic devices and is incapable of face to face communication. This stereotype follows millennials into the workplace and is sometimes frowned upon by Gen Xers and Baby Boomers in the office. Millennials now occupy over one-third of the US workforce, a percentage that will continue to increase as the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement. Understanding the mindset and goals of millennials is one of the best ways to leverage…