
Building a Stable foundation
  • Cody Hobbs
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Chances are, you association relies on technology for a lot more than just your website.  From member databases, to accounting tools, technology touches nearly all facets of how we manage our lives.  While all of this technology serves to make our lives easier, it represents a big problem.  According to an article published by The Atlantic, coding is so complex even programmers don't understand all of what its doing. With the promise of self driving cars on the horizon, this…

Keeping your association relevant
  • Cody Hobbs
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You want your association to be around for a while longer, right?  I'm sure some of the talk about changing trends have you nervous.  Here's how to keep your association around and relevant! When I was a child, I loved dinosaurs.  The first time I watched them come to life on the silver screen I was swept away with wonder.  The bottom line?  Dinosaurs are cool.  And why wouldn't they be? Dinosaurs were majestic creatures; large and ferocious.  Like something…

Embracing a new way of doing things
  • Cody Hobbs
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Last week, we went into more depth on one of the first reasons associations appear to be dying -- that is, the consolidation of industries eating up competition.  This week, I want to cover the second reason: the appearance that associations are reluctant to change for the next generation. This one is tricky, because while associations are making strides to update and embrace new technology, the reluctance of their member base to adapt has forced them to pull back and…