
5 myths about millennials busted
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . millennial . myth .

Those gosh darn millennials, amiright?  We all know that it's been said about every past generation since the beginning of recorded history, but millennials are just the worst!  They're all so entitled, lazy, and they're killers of industry.  And the worst part, like a swarm of cicada's, they are coming.  And they're taking over, too.  They're making up an increasingly larger percentage of the workforce, and they're starting to run for office.  They're our doctors, lawyers, police officers.  So are…

The tech and science community is everybody’s community
  • Cody Hobbs
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While popular culture would have us believed that people who were interested in tech and science were shunned and regarded as egghead nerds, that's just not true.  Sure, that's how movies portrayed them, but when a big event occurred, people have always payed attention.  In 1969, nation wide, families gathered around their television sets to watch the first men walk on the moon.  Events like these bring people together. And they still do.  Recently, the nation came together to watch…

It’s all about dynamic content
  • Cody Hobbs
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One thing anyone who’s ever started a blog knows: CMS is simple.  And it’s designed to be.  It’s a simple tool that keeps your posts in chronological order, so whoever comes to your site can read your latest musings.  That’s why it can seem like an enigma why finding an adequate CMS solution for your organization is so darn tough!  Can’t you just set up a WordPress and be done with it? Think of your CMS like a sports car…