Scott currently oversees all design and development of core technology at SSI. He has over 25 years of professional experience with computer and software systems. He worked for Loma Linda University Medical Center for five years as a computer scientist responsible for designing, developing and implementing Windows/Unix programs designed to operate and manage the Cutting Edge (Proton Therapy) Cancer Treatment Equipment. He then went on to work with NASA in developing information systems to track and analyze the effects…
Scott currently oversees all design and development of core technology at SSI. He has over 25 years of professional experience with computer and software systems. He worked for Loma Linda University Medical Center for five years as a computer scientist responsible for designing, developing and implementing Windows/Unix programs designed to operate and manage the Cutting Edge (Proton Therapy) Cancer Treatment Equipment. He then went on to work with NASA in developing information systems to track and analyze the effects…
Cody Hobbs is the executive director of marketing at System Solutions. He brings years of experience in scholastically researching trends in the digi-modern marketplace, and is excited to share his keen insights with the association world.