Archive for ‘News’ Category

Why CMS’ Suck
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • CMS . content creator . Content Management System . CX . ux .

Disappointment.  When something fails to deliver on its promises, it creates a feeling of disappointment that can lead to a distrust of an entire market.  For a long time now, the CMS platform has lived in this cycle.  Every couple of years, new promises are made, new features announced, and for a little while, it really looks like the whole game is about to change.  But then something happens.  People get their hands on it, and find their experience is…

The Power of the Podcast
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . Member Engagement . Podcast .

Written content is king.  This is especially true for professional associations who produce or present highly technical content.  With that being said, the market is changing.  People are living busier lives, and are spending more and more time in commute.  As a society, we've also increased the amount of multitasking we do.  So what does this mean for you?  People just aren't taking the time they used to to sit at their computer and read through a ton of content.…

Are millennials even real?
  • Cody Hobbs
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As you know, we've talked at length about the arrival of the millennials into the association market.  But I think it's time we ask: are millennials even real?  In a ted talk, Adam Conover says that dividing people up into generational groups is a misstep, and I happen to agree with him. I think the one thing that we all want is to be treated with equality, we want to be treated with people.  In the past, even I have…