Archive for ‘News’ Category

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Tapping into Community Synergy
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . Community . engagement . Member influencer . synergy .

Trying to lift up your association's online community is like trying to lift a dead weight.  Immovable if you try on your own, but add a pulley and gather a few extra hands, and it gets lighter the higher it ascends.  It's tempting to think that igniting passion for your member community area is an in-house job only, but what if I told you that you can utilize the synergy from your own members to stoke the flames? All the…

Working with your CMS Provider to Create a Content Strategy
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association content delivery . CMS . Tech Guides .

It's easy to look at your tech vendor as just a single service provider.  By that, I mean segregating them to just the "tech" stuff; after all, technology is what they're good at!  By doing this, you might be missing out. Association CMS providers often have vast knowledge of member behavior and successful content strategy. If you've selected a CMS provider for your association, then they should know the association world - Live. Breath. Eat. association strategy.  They should understand the way…

Your Blog Stinks! How To Write Compelling Content For Your Members
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • communication . Community Engagement . Content Marketing . Linguistics . Steven Pinker .

We've talked a lot about how to promote content, but we really haven't touched on how to write good content.  Strictly focusing on content promotion over content creation is kind of like spending an hour wrapping an empty box; sure, it will look nice, but you're going to have some very disappointed children come Christmas morning.  Having gripping content that your readers enjoy stroking their eyeballs over is essential to the success of any content provider. With that said, here…