Archive for ‘News’ Category

Leveraging the Abilities of Millennials in the workplace
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . Association content delivery . CMS . Education as a service . Marketing to millennial . millennials . My time - My way . Next gen content delivery .

Millennials are often depicted as a generation that communicates exclusively through electronic devices and is incapable of face to face communication. This stereotype follows millennials into the workplace and is sometimes frowned upon by Gen Xers and Baby Boomers in the office.  Millennials now occupy over one-third of the US workforce, a percentage that will continue to increase as the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement.  Understanding the mindset and goals of millennials is one of the best ways to leverage…

A haven for strictly vetted material
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • strategic partner .

At the beginning of this week I asked the question: is free content devaluing membership?  While there's no denying that free is a hard number to compete with, associations do provide value in the way they provide their content.  Just look at iTunes: Napster, and the myriad of clones that followed, threatened to upend the music industry.  Who would pay money for music when a free download was just a click away?  As it turns out, iTunes was the answer the…

What’s the ROI… for the member
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Associations . Content . Membership . ROI . Value .

In yesterdays post, it was mentioned that associations need to undergo a "change of paradigm" in order to be seen as valuable in a market flooded with more and more free content. At one point in time it was a given that association membership brought value; today, that assumption is no longer true. Every good association and business knows that they need to have a fundamental understanding of their own numbers: how much does it cost to acquire a new…