Archive for ‘News’ Category

5 myths about millennials busted
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . millennial . myth .

Those gosh darn millennials, amiright?  We all know that it's been said about every past generation since the beginning of recorded history, but millennials are just the worst!  They're all so entitled, lazy, and they're killers of industry.  And the worst part, like a swarm of cicada's, they are coming.  And they're taking over, too.  They're making up an increasingly larger percentage of the workforce, and they're starting to run for office.  They're our doctors, lawyers, police officers.  So are…

Disruptive technology: what it means for the modern association
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • associaiton . disruption . disruptive technology . Uber .

A few months ago, I wrote a scene where a character called for a taxi to pick her up from the hospital.  A friend of mine pointed out that she would have used Uber; taxi's were going extinct.  Uber has become the signal banner for modern "disruptive" technology, and "disruptive" technology has become the rally cry for young tech companies. If you've recently had a consultation for your association's tech presence, chances are the term "disruptive" has been tossed around…

Podcasts, Vlogs, and Blogs: New Media’s dominance reigns supreme
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • associaiton . new media . Podcast . vlog . Youtube .

We've talked quite a bit about the various parts that make up "new media".  From podcasting, to its video counterpart: the vlog, to the most traditional looking: the blog.  Taken individually, these seem like small stones throne into the pond of "content" that organizations can offer.  And since the first two seem so new, it's easy to see them as toys children play with while the adults consume more serious media in more conventional ways.  And just a few short…