Despite the title of this article, this isn't about translation software. We tend to think of communication as something fairly straight forward, but if something isn't written in a way that appeals to you, even if the subject matter does, it's possible that the message may not be received. In a follow-up from last week's article, Your blog stinks!, I want to talk about the importance of understanding the language, or "lingo" your various members may be most receptive to.…
Everyone is looking for a CMS that meets their own individual needs, and two of the bigest players are Drupal and Wordpress. Where Wordpress is seen as a more simplified tool for the professional blogger, Drupal offers a more robust set of tools and features that would be more commonly attributed with a "professional website". So naturally Drupal is far behind Wordpress in total number of downloads... wait, what? (more…)
When looking for guidance on how to start your redesign, the web is full of advice on where to start. These are the 7 things you should avoid doing, lest you end up falling into a costly spiral... 1. Rushing the Design You're excited to get your site redesign off the ground, we get that. And we also get that it doesn't become real until it's something tangible, something you can touch. So, it can be tempting to rush through the…