Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Is it time for your association to start a YouTube channel?
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . millennial . video . Youtube .

We've talked before about the potential benefits of starting a weekly or monthly podcast, but we haven't really talked in-depth about video.  And that's because producing video content can be difficult.  It requires a whole new skill set from just writing content, or even producing a timely podcast.  Some associations already do post videos of key-note speakers from their events, but producing regular content just doesn't seem tenable.  And even if you do manage to higher a staffer who produces…

Pay to win
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • CIO applications . pay to win . scam .

There's nothing wrong with good ol' honest advertisement.  It's how you get noticed.  But buyer beware: if you're being told that you've been "selected" to be in the top 25 ranked technology providers... for a nominal fee (between $1,000-3,000), then turn and run the other way. You might recive an email like this, that starts off flattering: Greetings! I am [Scam-McScamface] from CIO Applications; a business enterprise IT magazine published from the Silicon Valley. We are presenting the “Top 25 BPM…

Why we need to find the next Steve Jobs
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . simple . Steve Jobs . website .

When Steve Jobs was first outlining his vision for the iTunes store, he had one simple idea.  Every song would be listed at the same price, $0.99.  He met with industry executives, and they were more than excited to tell him their ideas about "tiered" pricing for more popular songs.  Jobs was having none of it.  One account has him strait up stating: I'm not here to listen to your ideas.  I'm here to save the music industry. This was…