Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Is your association at risk from a cyber attack?
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • cyber security . http . https . security .

Your association's website contains a lot of valuable information, information that you definitely want to keep safe.  Especially if you offer onsite event registration (and lets not forget online payment of member dues).  You want to keep your members private information safe, but how do you do that?  Here are three pices of advice that every association should follow: 1: Asses your liability: In this age, everyone is a target for a cyber attack, but not all have the same…

The Art (and science) of Minimalism
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . Content . Membership . Minimalism .

"It's all important!  That's why it's on our associations website in the first place!" Of course it is, and I'm not implying otherwise.  In the digital age, real estate can feel endless.  There's no print cost, and online storage is getting cheaper by the day.  This has given us the ability to store and offer more information than ever before.  The number of articles, blogs, whitepapers and so on that can be published is virtually limitless.  You, as the association,…

It’s time to start listening to your content creators
  • Cody Hobbs
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Approving a new web design can be a long process, and that decision can pass through a number of ears.  But one group who may be under-represented is the one that we might want to start listening to the most: the content creators.  The people who write the amazing content for association sites have a high level of creativity, and would love to push the boundaries in the way their content is delivered, if only they had the tools. Now,…