Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Creating an Experience for your members
  • Cody Hobbs
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One of the biggest things content providers overlook when outlining their CMS is the overall experinece.  They have all of the right pieces: the content, the connections; but they fail to see how to string them together in a meaningful way.  This can lead to users having an overall bad experinece, even if they manage to find the exact content they are looking for.  Here are three things to help improve your members experience: 1: Aesthetics.  This is fairly strait…

  • Cody Hobbs
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We have a tendency to want all the things.  This is true for our websites too.  We hear about all the cool features out there, and we treat them like Pokemon, we gotta catch 'em all.  But this is a bad idea.  Some features just naturally clash. As the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat.  In webdesign, there are multiple ways to do similar things, and trying to implement two systems to handle the same…

How to effectively communicate what you need
  • Cody Hobbs
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Effective communication can be hard, especially if you're having trouble articulating precisely what it is you need, in an area that is outside of your field of expertise.  Technology, like many specialized fields, has its own jargon, as well as its own sets of rules that may not be immediately intuitive.  So when you start planing for that redesign, the pressure can feel immense.  Because of this, many organizations feel like they need to know exactly what they want before…