Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Using Content to grow your membership
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . Blogging . Content . oranization . Writing .

It's a no brainier that one of the most valuable resources you have to offer is the stellar content you provide -- it's why we bring it up so often!  But did you know that you can use the power of your content to drive membership?  Here are 5 simple rules to help you put your hard work... to work for you! 1: It starts with a title: It's probably the first thing you type when writing an article or…

Are millennials even real?
  • Cody Hobbs
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As you know, we've talked at length about the arrival of the millennials into the association market.  But I think it's time we ask: are millennials even real?  In a ted talk, Adam Conover says that dividing people up into generational groups is a misstep, and I happen to agree with him. I think the one thing that we all want is to be treated with equality, we want to be treated with people.  In the past, even I have…

Snail mail and the mystery box
  • Cody Hobbs
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One of my favorite lectures on hooking an audience is from a ted talk given by J.J. Abrams called "Mystery Box".  In it, he talks about our love of little mysteries, and how we can use them to captivate our audience. I've written a lot in the past year about gamification, and increasing member engagement, and a new phenomenon called "mail order mystery" might be the next key link in the chain.  Mail order mysteries sends members little who-dun-it type mysteries…