Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

What do Associations and Dinosaurs have in common?
  • Cody Hobbs
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When I was a child, I loved dinosaurs.  The first time I watched them come to life on the silver screen I was swept away with wonder.  The bottom line?  Dinosaurs are cool.  And why wouldn't they be? Dinosaurs were majestic creatures; large and ferocious.  Like something you read about in a King Arthur tale, fighting one made legends, and victory forged kings.  So too with the association.  Like the dinosaurs, associations offer something grand and majestic by uniting people of…

The Brand of Ease
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Amazon . The Brand of Ease . web design .

One of the things we tend to take advantage of in today's market is how easy everything is.  In the span of a half hour, I can discover a new band, sample through their discography, order their latest CD (or download it on iTunes), and book tickets to their upcoming concert.  There's an expectation that this brand of ease is something that occurs naturally, like it's just baked into the internet. That is until we experience a website that isn't…

Make your 2017 resolution to invest in technology
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • 2016 . 2017 . New Year . Resolution . technology .

Another year is upon us, and that means one thing: lots of New Year Resolutions.  While personal resolutions might be about physical health -- going to the gym, starting a new diet -- your associations resolution should be about the health of your technology infrastructure. 2016 was a storm of change for the tech world, and it was much more than a cosmetic one.  The underlying foundation on which your website is built will now have  a direct impact in how your…