Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

5 Ways to Supercharge Your Online Community Engagement
  • Cody Hobbs
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Member engagement is fundamental and vital to any association’s performance. With the use of smartphones and portable technologies on the rise, it is important that you meet your members where they are at, online. But how do we do that? How can associations get their members more engaged in their online community? By keeping your members center stage when developing your association’s community engagement strategy you create an online experience that organically foster's engagement. Learning from your historic membership engagement…

Have you earned your badge today?
  • Cody Hobbs
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Press release System Solutions Development is proud to announce a new feature aimed at improving your website's community area!  Badges is a tool that allows your members and users to earn badges for interacting with your community area in various ways.  Your members can earn badges for things like posting and replying to comments, starting a discussion thread, updating and completing their member info page, and more!  This might sound like a gimmick, but we've done extensive research into how…

Don’t Double Your Efforts, Double Dip Instead
  • Cody Hobbs
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When considering the design and compatibility of your website, you should take into consideration, what is the member’s experience going to be like? With the demand of mobile-ready websites on the rise, many associations have been putting in the extra effort of building two websites. One for the traditional desktop/laptop experience and one for the mobile user. Unfortunately, this route is no longer feasible and/or cost efficient. By double dipping your efforts into a backend CMS (Content Management Systems) like…