Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Your Blog Stinks! How To Write Compelling Content For Your Members
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • communication . Community Engagement . Content Marketing . Linguistics . Steven Pinker .

We've talked a lot about how to promote content, but we really haven't touched on how to write good content.  Strictly focusing on content promotion over content creation is kind of like spending an hour wrapping an empty box; sure, it will look nice, but you're going to have some very disappointed children come Christmas morning.  Having gripping content that your readers enjoy stroking their eyeballs over is essential to the success of any content provider. With that said, here…

The problem with metrics in the 21st century
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • ACGI . analytics . Association . metrics . performance . stats .

Without a doubt, understanding your association's metrics is a crucial part of running your operation.  Like a thermometer, it gives you key insights into how well the various aspects of your organization are running.  And, if studied by a careful and trained eye, it can give you an insight into what direction certain trends are going. However, you shouldn't let metric based performance be the end-all and be-all of your decision making guidelines, and here's why: Technology moves fast.  This…

Developing Effective Non-due Revenue Strategies to Reach Targeted Generations
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Advertising . Association . Event . Membership . Sponsorship . Strategy .

With the high demand for innovative and retentive products and services, associations are facing major pressure to keep their members happy and informed. By recognizing the difference between your millennials, generation x, and the baby boomer generation you can implement a successful strategy for your non-dues and maximize your non-due revenue potential. With our 5 do’s and don’ts, we will go over what associations are doing right in our 21st century and what they need to pay less attention to.…