Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Embracing a new way of doing things
  • Cody Hobbs
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Last week, we went into more depth on one of the first reasons associations appear to be dying -- that is, the consolidation of industries eating up competition.  This week, I want to cover the second reason: the appearance that associations are reluctant to change for the next generation. This one is tricky, because while associations are making strides to update and embrace new technology, the reluctance of their member base to adapt has forced them to pull back and…

One World Corporation
  • Cody Hobbs
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Last week, we talked about some of the reasons people think associations are dying, and one of the reasons listed was consolidation.    Before, and during the early days of the internet, different industries were segmented; you had chatrooms to meet new people, and hosts of forums for various interests.  And most of these forums were hosted by different companies.  But social networking has been in the process of consolidating, just as other industries have. Facebook allows companies and organizations…

Are associations dying?
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . dying industry . modern . networking . technology .

Let's cut to the chase -- are associations dying?  We've talked quite a bit about how associations can attract younger members, how they can update their website in meaningful ways, and how they can use social media to drive traffic.  But all of this is for nothing if the industry is simply dying.  After all, why invest in marketing and big tech upgrades when they won't be around long enough to be of any benefit? Those of you who have…