Posts Tagged ‘Association’

Is it time for your association to start a YouTube channel?
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . millennial . video . Youtube .

We've talked before about the potential benefits of starting a weekly or monthly podcast, but we haven't really talked in-depth about video.  And that's because producing video content can be difficult.  It requires a whole new skill set from just writing content, or even producing a timely podcast.  Some associations already do post videos of key-note speakers from their events, but producing regular content just doesn't seem tenable.  And even if you do manage to higher a staffer who produces…

The Art (and science) of Minimalism
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . Content . Membership . Minimalism .

"It's all important!  That's why it's on our associations website in the first place!" Of course it is, and I'm not implying otherwise.  In the digital age, real estate can feel endless.  There's no print cost, and online storage is getting cheaper by the day.  This has given us the ability to store and offer more information than ever before.  The number of articles, blogs, whitepapers and so on that can be published is virtually limitless.  You, as the association,…

The Power of the Podcast
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . Member Engagement . Podcast .

Written content is king.  This is especially true for professional associations who produce or present highly technical content.  With that being said, the market is changing.  People are living busier lives, and are spending more and more time in commute.  As a society, we've also increased the amount of multitasking we do.  So what does this mean for you?  People just aren't taking the time they used to to sit at their computer and read through a ton of content.…