"How can we engage our users and interest them in our website?", it is a great question! When launching a new website, we are commonly asked this question. In order to answer the question effectively, you must first determine how your organization defines user engagement. Does engagement mean, comments on your blog posts, or interactions in community? Defining the goals of engagement is part of the engagement strategy. As Andrea Pellegrino, of Demand Perspective Blog reminds us, “It’s All Engagement…every customer service…
When the time comes to contemplate a new CMS (Content Management System) for your organization there are many considerations to be mindful of. All too often, CMS projects are delayed and complicated by simple mistakes. In this post, we discuss seven common mistakes in managing CMS projects. 1. Hurrying through the Design Phase We've all heard the expression, don't judge a book by its cover. This noble expression contains many truths, however, when embarking on a CMS project it is…
With a dynamically designed website you can manage content with efficiency. At System Solution Incorporated we understand that your time is valuable, spending hours updating the static content of your website is not productive. With our dynamically designed Content Management System (CMS) we provide maximum efficiency in content management. [list style="style-2"] [item]Improve your content accuracy, consistency and timeliness of your publishing workflows[/item] [item]Powerful content indexing and search[/item] [item]Syndication through RSS/XML feeds[/item] [item] Role level security with multi-author access [/item] [item] Content…