Posts Tagged ‘Consulting’

5 Ways to Strategically Increase User Engagement
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . Consulting . user engagment . user experience . ux .

How can we engage our users and interest them in our website?'s a great question! When launching a new website, we are commonly asked this question.  In order to answer the question effectively, you must first determine how your organization defines user engagement. Does engagement mean, comments on your blog posts, or interactions in community? Defining the goals of engagement is part of the engagement strategy. As Andrea Pellegrino, of Demand Perspective Blog reminds us,  “It’s All Engagement…every customer service inquiry, complaint,…

The Undeniable Benefits of Consulting Services
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . Consulting . Project Management .

Standing at base of a mountain, ready to climb. There are so many possible paths to take, but which one is the most efficient route to the top? If you're feeling extra adventurous and have no time constraints, perhaps you choose the trial and error method to reach the peak.  As you hike down the path you've randomly selected, you quickly realize that daylight is fading and you've reached a dead end. Tomorrow, you'll have to start over and try…

What do a CMS Redesign and a Marathon Have in Common?
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . Consulting .

This past weekend, I completed my second half marathon, it was an amazing experience. Running gives me time to think deeply and challenge my physical abilities; and there aren't many things that feel better than crossing the finish line after 13.1 miles. Seriously, I could have kissed that 13 mile marker. Today, I find myself reflecting on the race, and considering the areas I can improve on for my next race. There are many elements that increase the quality of…