Posts Tagged ‘Content Management System’

Why CMS’ Suck
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . content creator . Content Management System . CX . ux .

Disappointment.  When something fails to deliver on its promises, it creates a feeling of disappointment that can lead to a distrust of an entire market.  For a long time now, the CMS platform has lived in this cycle.  Every couple of years, new promises are made, new features announced, and for a little while, it really looks like the whole game is about to change.  But then something happens.  People get their hands on it, and find their experience is…

The Modern Association Checklist
  • Tanner Force
  • 0 Comment
  • Association Content Strategy . Community Engagement . Content Management System . Gamification . Mobile Friendly .

The Modern Association Checklist Many associations are under this misconception of this mandatory checklist to properly engage their members: responsive website, community, social media, and blog. Done. You should be fine right? Wrong. When tracking what is most effective to engage your members, associations need to anticipate what the members are looking for and how we, as an association, can adapt to the trends. The mentality needs to be, we are always looking to improve. Get in the habit of…

5 Tricks to Treat Your Members with Microsites
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association Strategy . Content Management System . Microsites .

Maybe you’ve heard about microsites, noticed they exist, but weren't sure they were worth the investment. Especially with the rise in technology, these microsites are becoming more and more important for associations to implement. A study ran by marketingsherpa showed that 38% of microsites were very effective with reaching marketing initiatives and 54% were somewhat effective. But before we get carried away more data, in case you are not familiar, let's discuss what a microsite is and how it works.…