Posts Tagged ‘millennial’

5 myths about millennials busted
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . millennial . myth .

Those gosh darn millennials, amiright?  We all know that it's been said about every past generation since the beginning of recorded history, but millennials are just the worst!  They're all so entitled, lazy, and they're killers of industry.  And the worst part, like a swarm of cicada's, they are coming.  And they're taking over, too.  They're making up an increasingly larger percentage of the workforce, and they're starting to run for office.  They're our doctors, lawyers, police officers.  So are…

Branding your association for the future
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . branding . millennial .

As we've discussed before, the way people search for information online has taken a dramatic shift over the last 5 years.  And as we pass the half way mark of 2017, things are only getting more and more refined.  When recruiting new members, you'll want to keep these 5 things in mind: 1: Keep your message clear and simple: While your association may DO a lot of things, think of what really defines you, and incorporate that into your tagline.…

Is it time for your association to start a YouTube channel?
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . millennial . video . Youtube .

We've talked before about the potential benefits of starting a weekly or monthly podcast, but we haven't really talked in-depth about video.  And that's because producing video content can be difficult.  It requires a whole new skill set from just writing content, or even producing a timely podcast.  Some associations already do post videos of key-note speakers from their events, but producing regular content just doesn't seem tenable.  And even if you do manage to higher a staffer who produces…