Work smarter, not harder: Tapping into community synergy

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Tapping into Community Synergy
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Tapping into Community Synergy
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . Community . engagement . Member influencer . synergy .

Trying to lift up your association’s online community is like trying to lift a dead weight.  Immovable if you try on your own, but add a pulley and gather a few extra hands, and it gets lighter the higher it ascends.  It’s tempting to think that igniting passion for your member community area is an in-house job only, but what if I told you that you can utilize the synergy from your own members to stoke the flames?

All the effort you put into building community is for nothing if members don’t get involved; after all, it’s The Law of Community Building: that is to say, it’s a team effort.  But how to do you go about doing this?  The answer may seem obvious once you get the ball rolling, but how do you start?  It’s the first few inches that are the toughest.

But they don’t have to be.  You start by looking for the people in the community that want to do the heavy lifting for you; you do this by identifying your key member influencers.  You know the ones: they’re the first to leave comments, offer up content written by themselves; they’re the doers, the movers, the shakers.  All they need is the means by which to do, and they will act.

Once you have your key member influencers identified, you want to empower them.  Give them creative ways to help get others engaged in the community process.  They will be excited for this opportunity because they get the natural benefit of having their own hard work noticed.  For them, this isn’t just an opportunity to participate, but a means to gain prestige within the association, and possibly in their field of profession, too!

Finding the right tools, and developing a plan to implement them are made simple.  You don’t have to go it alone.  System Solutions Development takes pride in offering a holistic tool set that includes comprehensive consulting to help you utilize the technology we put at your fingertips.  And we continue to maintain the trust of those we already serve.  Two valuable assets in a digitized world.

*Exciting news!  Our exclusive video, Three Web Strategies to Increase Active Member Engagement, is online.  Click here to watch this video, and learn a valuable technique to transform you association’s website into an experience your members can’t resist!

